Friday, January 21, 2011

Masterbation Games For Friends

who sent me to my ... Impunity

This post is an explanation of what happened in útltimos days and today in particular, I have nothing to hide and it is true that some things must be known.

did not mean it I was doing was secret indefinitely, but things have their time and thought the time could be different, but well put circumstances it does not matter which account I was busy and that's it ... That is, naive of me, I tell this story after the passage of the law by the Senate and knowing the result, approve something or not.

The reason for not doing public has more to do with my own insecurity and the fact that we now see a "lawyer provinces" to fix a problem that has probably been studied by professionals. I thought that if I did show it publicly before those who really have the means to value should not journey, for one reason or another, that's the only reason.

First I prefer not out the evil "Sinde Act" is a legal aberration and here are my opinions expressed over more than a year to spend time explaining to those who have wanted to hear / read.

My opinion about the text was presented to Congress and remained the same as I stated at the meeting of the Academy and I discussed here at the end of it, that my sense of what would happen is that you would agree yes or yes to make the text come out.

Faced with this dilemma, I had two options, accept the offer to hear what we had to propose that made Alex of the Church and propose something better (although not perfect, and possibly improved) or shut up and hold the position of outright rejection and expected to pass a law with great danger to the internet that we know and I enjoy.

Christmas Past, and I see me Alex de la Iglesia did not, I sent a message saying that I felt able to propose an alternative in case they go ahead with the purpose of approving Act as it was.

is, was I, not commend anyone that decided the path of possibilities and try to improve where possible the text, within my limitations.

mail overtook him in an aspect that I thought could be improved, but without sending a final text, simply with the idea in the head and before you start to lose time at greater depths.

He answered in their willingness to receive what he could contribute and give the appropriate procedure if you found interesting.

As the proposal is legal and thinking to explain it better and understand it, on Thursday January 20 I traveled to Madrid to present to him personally, without anyone else. I offered in a printed document with my signature below. Hence no attribution representation may be indicated by a proposal signed with my name only.

from the explanations that I showed (using a chart that quickly became the day to make it clearer and placed here so developed and planned to wear tomorrow to explain it) I think it is compelling improvements to my opinion, is my proposal on what existed.

Back to La Rioja me Alex de la Iglesia said that the people who have shown the document I gave them very interesting and it looks great and well under the circumstances may can get somewhere.

this morning, thinking about the complexity of the legal and concerned that the text appeared on the Internet and can be launched opinions about it without knowing in depth the mechanics decided to talk to three people you consider your first impression may be important to understand that the proposal properly. not true that Alex told me to speak with them (I think I have done to try to cover my responsibilities but things are as they are and accept my mistakes).

My intention was not to convince anyone, and I said so expressly Julio Alonso (the only one that had the possibility of contact) but to explain the mechanism and that everyone seemed to decide whether good or bad, but making sure they got all the information. I personally, and with appropriate explanations, and can immediately resolve their doubts whether the text finally appeared either in print, online or even naive of me, in the Senate, would make them easier to understand the mechanisms a legal proposal, I assume, is its complexity.

For that reason I asked Julie if she wanted to participate, informing those who would be present, kindly offered to talk to Enrique Dans and Ignacio School for accepting my proposal and convey participate.

the afternoon call Enrique Dans, who tells me that he was informed in July and agreed to go, and I explain what I want and the situation I described above, asking for discretion as a condition for the meeting because I made her personal capacity and in all of this I did not want overexposure not being a representative of anyone but my own opinions, and ahead of the content of the proposal, but not too deep, just count on your presence at the meeting . Something I had been confirmed by the mouths of Julio Alonso and Henry himself. Ignacio School have not spoken but what I said was that he was agree to attend.

By late afternoon Julio Alonso calls me and tells me I have spoken to three and that they will not go, that when you leave the text as valued as they see fit.

After a while, I called again in July and informed me that a reporter asked about a text by the Internet agreed with industry that is circulating as an alternative to the original proposal. Just to inform me that that is what is moving in the press. Thanking you notice, we said goodbye and begin to ponder the post all at once, but had a commitment and thinking to do tomorrow to go out and enjoy total quiet Laurel Street ...

Until the phone call informing me of the post by Enrique Dans. Grateful to Henry had warned me what I wanted to publish, at least, knowing that his intention was to give explanations to consider, being able to explain my position early and directly, and not do it a bit on the counter . But as I said Henry had to post something immediately. I understand that writing it will cost less to call me on my cell phone ...

And that's what happened, or at least what I have lived ...

All I can say in my defense is that I have acted as best I could and I know, with the best intentions to contribute something, but apparently seen, whom I sent to my ...!!!!

I apologize to those who feel offended or upset.

And of course, appreciate the comments on the proposal is legal and point out the flaws in the next post.

[bonus track] In all the meetings I've been wasting my time and my money, nor have I received anything or expect anything. (Well at the Academy I drank a Nestea in the vestibule)

Then I wanted to use the scheme to explain the mechanics,. 110122


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