Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Best Antidepressant Of 2009

Dating & wallpapers wallpaper with hearts

Your best friend from childhood you left to see for some time. You, you had the odd enamorado.Y obviously your friend as well. One fine day a mutual friend invited them to his birthday and you two are reunited after some years, and once grew and changed as your friend! he also is surprised to see you, the higher curves that did not have before, and tacos, they're a big girl ... The delighted to have ever been your best friend gets to chat with you, while you stare, and I hardly recognize but feel you know him from a lifetime and it is happening the same thing as you ... as would follow this story? if you want Contact me to write corazones rosas mariposas amor y amistad
Creative Commons License Love With MPR Image Silvia Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 3.0 Unported License

Ladies One Piece Swimsuits


This Sunday begins the Formula 1 season, and what better reason than that to make a Formula 1 car with diagrams that show you below.

How Do You Get Chicken Game On Poptropica

March 25 Day of the Unborn babies tender

was a March 25 where Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and tells you who will have a son named Jesus.
Following that date, which announces the arrival of baby Jesus to whom his mother in the world will be the 25th of March is celebrated as the Day of the Unborn Child.
For all mothers who are full of tenderness awaiting the birth of their babies and all babies who are involved in your sweet innocence waiting for the moment of birth, I wish you a beautiful day.
dia del niño por nacer 25 de marzo

Plastic Containers Safety Grading

Reasons and consequences of the invalidity of the regulation of digital canon

Today has been known that the National Court said void the Order of President PRE/1743/2008 by setting out the amounts and equipment and media subject to the payment of compensation for private copying.

Here you can see ruling (pdf)

The reasons for this void are based on failure to comply with formal requirements for the development of a mandatory standard. That is, that order is a standard and as such must be defined with all legal requirements, including the sentence, the absence of mandatory report of the State Council and the absence economic reports to justify the amounts indicated in the Order of the Presidency.

The statement first examines whether there is a rule or to a mere administrative act, which is essential to determine what the requirements are developed.

How could it be otherwise concludes that this is a rule intended to produce legal effects and general oblgiatorios therefore emits who must meet the formal requirements for processing and approval.

Thereafter and before the absence of both the State Council report :
"The intervention of the State Council is not therefore a mere formality but acts as a preventive security as possible to ensure fitness for duty in the exercise of regulatory power."
as memory in the absence of economic justification and an obligation under Article 24.1.a of Law 50/1997 of the Government :
"1. The development of the regulations shall conform to the following procedure :
  1. Initiating the process of drawing up a regulation will be carried out by the middle management group by preparation of corresponding draft, which, together with a report on the need and opportunity for one and a financial report containing the estimated cost it will entail. "
determines the invalidity of the implementing regulation Article 25 of the LPI, the omission of both requirements, but essential formal, embodied in the Order PRE/1743/2008.

The invalidity in this case occurs according to Article 62.2 of Law 30/1992
also be null and void the administrative provisions that violate the Constitution , Laws or other senior administrative provisions, which govern matters reserved to the Act, and establish the non-retroactivity of penal provisions favorable or restrictive of individual rights.
addition nullity the effects ever since the Order came into force, since it is non-existent is within the legal system.

Of course this does not mean that the canon digital display is null or not effects. In its present form is compatible with the European ruling and this ruling does not change your situation.

regard to the effects of the annulment, the statement points that compensation be private in nature and do not come to appreciate the material aspects of the application, no competition (it is a contentious-administrative court) to decide on the amounts paid under the term of the Order.

But the sentence if it has effects that open the door to claims for monies paid.

At first I thought that no amounts could not be applied until the adoption of a new regulation, but the truth is that the sentence to nullify the Order allows the effect will restore of the Single Transitional Provision of the Law 23/2006, which amended the Copyright Law. That DTU, established the amounts, carriers and equipment subject to royalties until the approval of the Order pertiente. Since it is as if it had not exsit, continues to apply its contents.

It so happens that the amounts are not the same and that, for example, hard disks were not included in the law, which can generate the right to return the sums received or in excess.
So understand that all amounts received in respect of computer hard drives must be returned or admitrise your claim. Same with the USB memory, mobile phones, etc. that are not provided in Law 23/2006 and were in the Order itself PRE/1743/2008

To know the differences and the equipment and media enough to see the contents of the DTU and Law 23/2006 on the first article of the Order.

What is clear is that this cancellation may cause a major problem to those who have handled or collected by these concepts and that the claim for these items can exercise the individuals.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Does Seancody Work

Images Images for the impossible love of concrete hard feelings words message

Only those who survive an impossible love from being realized, knows how painful it can get be.

An impossible love can be: a (a) partner (s) of work that is married (a) and faithful, or friend (a) of the partner with whom you have a serious relationship or commitment.

Perhaps the relationship you have with that person your love is impossible to be in-laws, or neighbors or boyfriend (s) for your best friend (a).

Whatever that relationship that unites and separates them, is really tormenting the situation to who is really in love and on many occasions difficult to overcome even with the passage of time in many years -

impossible love is a feeling of love and wishes contained in silence.'re eyes, mirrors of the soul in love, looking for the look of being loved but fleeing the slightest attempt to find hiding in there heart because nothing happens ... I LOVE YOU can not say openly, as if nothing happened.

fire going on just by the memory of that love impossible ... to be shut down to power up again when least expected with only the lightest touch of a thought.

And you if you have an impossible love, in silence ... someone you love in despair ... but you can not decircelo, or make a relationship with that person, here's a place to scream to the world how much you love that person .

That love is as valuable as those of many who come to fruition. Talking

Sometimes someone just not done well, but it is a remedy to relieve the heart, especially when you have a secret hard to get to tell someone.

So for everyone to "talk" about their feelings without being judged by anyone, I have this space to talk, and speak from the heart, from feeling, from that place of himself that wants to just "talk "without being judged by anyone ... If you dare to share your stories of love, the love of your life, some history, that excites you, you wait to mourn or laugh, these on your space here, I leave it open for you to come in, you feel comfortably ... and start to talk about the immense love that lives in your heart that you have not been able to achieve.

 la naturaleza del amor imposible, mariposas que siempre revolotean
Creative Commons License Love With MPR Image Silvia Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 3.0 Unported License
Welcome and thank you for being here. Comment on the blog

Potted Plant Singapore Buy


The following pictures show how origami has no limits, and these are set by the imagination of these great creators. The first figure zombie is a tomb of Daniel Brown, the second is a man flying with a heart and the third a penis with wings Fernando Gilgado.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Smelly Urine Apple Juice

Our Mother Earth needs all of us

Our Mother Earth, is not angry with us, human beings their children born thanks to the welcome that she has given us, Our Mother Earth, our beautiful planet if this suffering, by decontrol, which have led some progress for the benefit of some and many others .
nature we are not charging anything, nor is enfurecida.Esta if suffering, feels "overwhelmed" with pain.
If your mother was suifriendo what would you do? call the doctor, pray, the would pamper.
That is what we have to make. Easing the pain of our beautiful planet we were born. How? For as our power. Is proposing to keep the awareness, not to continue discussing so many mistakes.
All internally sabermos which are the faults that we would have daily in our lives. They encouraged me to talk about those things nuclear tests or do not understand.
If I dare to talk about what if we doing great harm to our beloved planet ... things that we usually do, things we use regularly: for example, the use and abuse of animals for experiments, food, clothing, entertainment.
Our Mother Earth, does not discriminate, that humans are superior, and the lower animals, all born here, in it.
an animal's suffering is no less than that of humans. We run from here to there, we hurry, we buy all the cosmetics market offers too us, we go to super, we bathers dive in gondolas that sell pieces of animals involved on a platter ... and we are looking to stay healthy, through experiments with science continues to investigate our younger brothers identified with animals.
the 100% to enter my blog for this post, possibly only 5% maybe read what I'm saying. And if I have luck and 1% is going to join my proposal. But with just one, that I have misunderstood what I say ... our Mother Earth, feel a little bit more relieved, if only a little bit.
I propose the following: we treat our planet like ours! MAMA '"Do not do more than what we already know that hurts, or what makes her suffer.
and ask God, our set and especially the creator of our Mother Earth, please, aid, relief, and that would lead us to us, their children, to know how to help, where we are, with the resources which God himself has not, and as we ask God, give us the resources we need to better help our Mother Earth.
all love, we all need, all we want is healthy.
If our planet is much, will cease to exist, but cease to exist before us and everything we love, and all our dreams, hopes ... EVERYTHING.
To which you summon is totally free, you can do so at any time of day where you feel more comfortable no matter if you believer or not, the important thing is you want the welfare of the planet where you were born, WHERE YOU LIVE, WHERE FOOD YOU WHERE REST.
A simple prayer, you feel like asking for the health of our Mother Earth.
a prayer, with faith and love has the power to turn the impossible into a miracle.
in reiki, I explained that a single person who passes reiki, the "power" is a single person, but if there are two that are doing a Reiki treatment to someone (either an animal plant) the power is doubled, and it is like four people who spend reiki.
And so, so it feels, and so is the relief is wonderful. If you and I, pray together, it is as if praying for another two who do not want to. two praying would like 4, and 4 as if they were 8 and 8 like 16, and if they 16, seia like 32, and so on until only half the world praying, praying for help with pain, we would have the power as if we were all praying, praying, dealing loving and caring of our beloved Earth.
Let us do all this to nuetra scope to ease the pain of our dear Mother Earth, to stop suffering, so it no longer overflowing with pain, to suffer no more slippage, and this quiet, peaceful knowing that her older children, the love, take good care of her until she recovers, and then too.

How To Fix Overactive Thyroid


In homage to the Japanese people, who These days are going so badly, I show you today diagrams Japanese fighting dog, the "Tosa Inu."

Wolf Run Slot Machine

The GPL, Google, and Android Bionic

last few days has been discussing an issue that affects the "header files" or header files for Linux kernel, GPL and use of Google makes them to develop Android.

abolute Some have drawn conclusions, in my view, focus, as those who say Google is stealing the Linux code

Even El Pais newspaper has responded to this question if While the analysis lacks certain elements and creates confusion.
In my opinion this is a rather complex issue and needs to take a tour of all the elements to try to reach a minimally informed opinion on the matter. Of course we appreciate any comments on this subject to the necessary corrections or clarifications.

header files or header files

According to wikipedia, the "header files" or header files are files that allow programmers to a separate certain elements of the code program source files reusable.

These files contain common elements for use by several other programs.
In simple terms it would be like having a dictionary of grammar when writing a novel. We can use the content of that third party to understand the story, but not part of this. (The example is the most basic level, sure there are differences)

When someone compile something to run on that system can resort to those header files to verify that the compilation is consistent with that contained in DEFINITIONS the rest of the system without having to always include the same definitions within its own code.

What Google does
The "header files" of the Linux kernel are modified by Google by an automated process that performs a cleaning of the content.

this process the company says it does is remove elements of the "header files" that are not needed and would cause inconsistencies or build problems with elements that are not needed in the Android environment. What makes sense, just as explained in the readme.txt
And here comes one of the strange things to me all this.
Google claims that removes all of the copyrighted material of the headers, leaving only non-copyrighted material.

The modified headers are published under a BSD license with libc, not under the GPL as the clause would require virus.

Can Google do that?

But I do not understand how that's possible, if we consider the definition of a computer program from a legal standpoint, both in U.S. law as in English:
"A" computer program "is a set of statements or instructions' to be Used Directly or Indirectly in a computer in order to bring about A Certain result"
"For the purposes of this Act shall mean a computer program any sequence of instructions or data intended to be used, directly or indirectly in a computer system to perform a function or task or to achieve a particular result, whatever its form of expression and recording. "
these definitions you can understand that these files are a computer program in legal terms.
But also for GPL v3 a program is:
"The Program" to Any copyrightable referees work licensed under this License.
And for license that occupies the GPL v2 , the definition is similar:
The "Program", BELOW, referees to Any Such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" mens Either the Program or derivative and Stock work under copyright law
Both definitions refer to the account you say intellectual property law, it seems clear that legal definitions are what make the interpretation to be done.
If we start from that premise, the modification of the original headers would be subject to the GPL resulting, according to the definitions in computer programs. This is to modify a copyrighted work is subject to licensing must meet the requirements of this.

understand that logic that the contents of the GPL those "headers" could only be licensed under the GPL viral clause applies.
not know what copyrighted material "can take Google to make it cease to be a program. This could be one of the keys, but I see where this approach.
What are the requirements the GPL?

In this case we speak of the GPL v2 and for the amendments states:
You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:  
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.  
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the Terms of this License.
This means that modifications are to be distributed or published, as these effects are interested, containing or derived largely from the original program to be licensed under the same license.
not to use or link to the header, but containing or derived from this.
I think what Google is doing just that, not only use but also modify the headers, even to improve them.
Stallman's interpretation

At this point it is interesting to recall told by Richard Stallman in 2003 on headers, because it would seem that what I have said is inconsistent, but I think not:
Someone recently made the Claim That Including a header file always Makes a derivative work .
That's not the FSF's view. Our view is That Just using structure definitions, typedefs, enumeration constants, macros with simple onesies, etc., Is NOT enough to make a derivative work. Would it take a Substantial Amount of code (coming from inline functions or macros with Substantial bodies) to do That.
What Stallman said, advised by their lawyers, is to use the contents of a header is not making a derivative work , nor does it include a header to always assume a derivative work.

And I fully agree.

Continuing the simple example above, enter the dictionary is not doing a different work and using the grammatical structure given by the dictionary in our novel is not making a derivative work.

However Google does not do this, l or Google does is edit some files (which are considered legal purpose computer programs) and the resulting files change them BSD license by , which in my view violates the GPL content of the original files as stated.

Does this mean that all applications must go to Android GPL?

Not at all, I think that's going to say much more than the content of the GPL.

As discussed, using the definitions of the headers is not modified or incorporated into a program in such terms that require the result that all creation should be GPL. Can not be considered to use some specific expressions constitute a derivative work.

This is done for purposes of interoperability and "estadnarización" language in an environment, but by no means a problem of reuse that involves the capture of a derivative work.

According to our intellectual property law, for example, a derivative work is article 11.5 LPI:

"of transformation of a literary, artistic or scientific."

It is clear that using the unmodified original headers to compile another program is not a modification of the products that result in a derivative work.


yes I believe Google is doing something apparently contrary to the GPL, which is put in the headers ciruclación modified by herself with a license that is not the GPL.

But to say that everything compiled against a certain headers is a derivative work and therefore must be licensed as GPL does not make much sense.
And what do you think?
[More information about this topic] Slashdot
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Presentation on legal aspects of photography and photographers

Pongo available to anyone who is interested in the content of the presentation used in the talk given to the association Rioja Photo legal aspects of the photographs. The talk was videotaped so the video will update when available.
legal aspects of photography

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tokyo High Interest Bank Account


Me indicaros'd like the names of the creators of these figures, but I have no idea who they are. What they have in common is that three birds and very well done, an owl, a rooster and a penguin.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Franchising Agreement Template

diagrams today the figure correspond to a dog that is very good hunter, the Irish setter.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Big Block Chevy Winnebago Engine

photos precious natural orange roses blooms - Pictures Roses Meaning

Images precious natural orange blossoms roses - Roses Pictures
 pimpollos de rosas ,flores naturales,naturaleza,jardines
Creative Commons License Love With MPR Image Silvia Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 3.0 Unported License

Left Shoulder Blade Pain Lupus

color of roses, pictures, photos. 03/19/1911 11:29 PM Roses Pictures

Yellow: friendship
Blue: White miracles : innocence, purity, soul. Red: love, passion
Pink: grace, secret
Dark Pink: gratitude
Light Pink: admiration Orange: passion
Burgundy Black Beauty
: sex
 significado del color de las rosas
Creative Commons License Love With Images Creative Silvia MPR Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 3.0 Unported License